Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy: Installation Sizes Confirmed on PS4 & PS5

With the action title Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy this week the latest project of the Shadows of the Tomb Raider maker of Eidos Montreal will be released.

Who asks the question shortly before the release, how much free space for the adventure should be reserved, is the answer in the course of the official product descriptions in the PlayStation Store now the answer. This can be seen that the PlayStation 4 version of Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy presupposes almost 60 gigabytes of free space. The PS5 version, however, benefits from the effective compression technique of the new Sony console and occupies 31.13 gigabytes. A possible day-one update would be added in both cases.

A single player experience without micro-transactions

Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy will be released tomorrow, 26 October 2021 for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X / S. In addition, an implementation for Nintendos Switch will appear, which will only be playable in the form of a cloud version. According to official information, Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy consciously designed as pure single player experience.

on the subject : Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy: three levels of difficulty and other features confirmed

Also on microtransaktions and download content, according to Eidos Montreal is deliberately renounced to ensure that all players receive the same experience. She slips into the role of the protagonist Star Lord and take the fight against a dark power that threatens peace in the galaxy.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Further details and impressions to Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy can be found in our topics overview .

Other news about Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy.
