How to play with your boyfriend in Pokémon Go

The new twinning system for Pokémon Go has arrived. You can do a lot of new fun things to interact with your favorite Pokémon companions while you play.

A big thing for you and your boyfriend to do together is to play. To do this, you must click on their icon in the lower left corner of the screen, then press the Play button. This will bring you to an AR environment of all your phone points.

Now there is a specific thing you need to play with your Pokémon. It s not about touching them to make a quick animation (which is hard to say). What you need to do is stroking your Pokémon.

To do this, you have to keep your finger on the screen and go and come on it. Visually, your Pokémon should be extremely happy with the movement and spend time with them. You will also notice small sparks from their body, indicating that it works.

Pokemon go how to play with your buddy

Finally, you will see a heart come up above their head, and you will have played with them for the day. This increases their general happiness towards you and develops your relationship as Pokémon and coach Pokémon.
