World of Warcraft announces the community council and announces interferring raids

Blizzard finally decided to address a few issues. To repair World of Warcraft, the company convenes the community council (Community Council), a special initiative to help you communicate between players and developers.

Such a community council will consist of selected players who collect the opinions of communities about World of Warcraft. For what? That to convey them to developers and refer to smoking issues. The Council itself has to act for players, but also to work on the World of Warcraft community to be better.

Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

However, it was marked that such a council is to collect not only a more specific feedback on the subject of the hammer, but also put on diverse reviews. It remains to believe that this second aspect will not be more significant - players want a better World of Warcraft, not just an accessible to everyone. Well, unless I m wrong, I m correct.

How do members of the community council will be selected? There will be no voting among players. Interested persons are to report their candidacy, and from this pooly pool, the team responsible for World of Warcraft will decide about membership. Put the position in the Council will only be possible for a year after this time after this time will be made available again.

People sitting in the Council will be able to create special posts on the forum that will be visible to everyone. In addition, discussions were announced with the creators of the game in the form of a public (private version will also appear). Interested in membership, I invite you here.

Well, besides? Patch 9.1.5 Already around the corner, the 17th birthday World of Warcraft also. Ion Hazzikostas decided to tell a bit about the game requests. And again, we receive confirmation that Raidy shared for the Horde and Covenant can appear in WoW - Blizzard is becoming more and more open to this issue, since Thrall could work with Jaina, why not give such opportunities to players? Cross-faction is therefore in plans.

It also looks like Shadowlands will not end on patch 9.2, but it is not known what Blizzard plans specifically. It was only confirmed that there would be something more and the Patch 9.2 is approaching and gets a lot of new products. In addition, Ion emphasized diversification at every step. World of Warcraft players also have to prepare for a fight against toxicity. Oh yes - Blizzard admitted that he could previously listen to the community on Conduit Energy.

You will find a full interview here.
